Bridge of Lies

min players
max players
United Kingdom
Our current project, is a simple take off of a British game I fell in love with the idea of the moment I saw the game (Again, where's our genius US game makers?).
The task is to step on the truths, and not step on the lies. What could be more simple?
While I"m not a fan of the final round, the first round in itself makes a fantastic solo-player game, so that's what we're working with in our version.
Starring Ross Kemp, a BBC production from 14 March 2022
34 spaces on the board, 32 options, 2 safe spaces.
"Sue Grafton Novels"
Is "V for Vengenance" the correct step? Or is it "M for Murder"?
The challenge: get from the start to the finish by forming an unbroken path of truths. There is always a true path to be found, but it might wind and won't be obvious. Hiding amongst the answers are ten lies, answers that don't fit the category.
Can you walk your way across the bridge without stepping on three wrong answers?
Step on a correct answer, add 100 Whammies to your score.
Step on an incorrect answer, cut your current winnings in half and go back to your last correct space.
Get from one end of the bridge to the other without stepping on three lies and claim your winnings! (Oh and did we tell you there's a time limit? Think, but don't think too long!)