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The List Goes in a Flash!

July 05, 2016

... Flash Gordon that is.


Congratulations to ChrisK42 for getting our list answer from "Death" phrases, as he put together the solution of "Death and Taxes", to win the 2 DVD set of all Flash Gordon cartoon episodes.


Who would have thought you'd get something back from having to mention taxes?

Sometimes one question is all it takes!

That's right ladies and gentlemen, sometimes you're good and sometimes you're lucky.. and sometimes it's a little bit of both.


Thanks to the set up of our Blockbusters game, it only took Dr. Jekyll two questions to lock in a win in the game, as he managed to swap out the points lead with the player who had dominated the board up to that point...


And in the process picked up one nice prize

Can you beat the Qube?

July 02, 2016

The computer wasn't qute as smart as Marc412... as Marc managed to beat our only voice oriented game, Qubit!    

The Challenge .. Still Needs work

June 25, 2016

This seems to be one of hte quickest games we have.. I thin people are just too damn good with anagrams.   But in this case, it's to KTG's benefit as she laims the Hacksaw Jim Duggan Autograph all thanks to Caesar's Challenge!


June 28, 2016

The List is always full of prizes..  in ths case, it's the Beetle Bailey Jeep with Beetle Sarge and Otto... and it goes to IAMFATALITY!  


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