After come consternation, we have decided to add a new rule change to the regular broadcasts of the List Wits Game Shows.
First: Due to our increasing the Tuesday Night countdown to a major prize, we are therefore changing Countdown to a maximum 6 player CLOSED game.
In addition: To qualify for our CLOSED games (on all episodes), you will need to participate in our LIST episodes. We have set the LIST to know select a set number of players to qualify for the CLOSED games.
After the LIST, we will reveal the 10 slots, and the appropriate spaces as gotten by the players will either win them a SMALL prize, or it will win them entry into the CLOSED game.
NOTE: Small prize winners can qualify for the CLOSED Game, but restrictions remain in place for previous large prize winners. If a restricted player qualifies for the CLOSED game, OR if one player has claimed multiple winning CLOSED game slots, those players then select who they would like to have take their place in the CLOSED game.
2/8/17 -
Ladies and gentlemen, at the request of many of our viewers, we are changing how our prizes are awarded on our game show.
It used to be that our Tuesday episodes were strictly shots at the vault and some of our small prizes, and our Saturday episodes were limited to the larger prizes, to try to bring in a larger crowd.
Well, we've come to the realization that our Tuesday episodes are as popular, if not more so than our Saturday night shows... but we didn't want to forgo the Saturday night crew, so we've adapted how our prizes are to be awarded.
Our Small Prizes will still be able to be won by any player on the channel, however, we will now limit our larger prize selection to 1 larger prize per player per week (Vault prizes not included)
THE FOUR LETTER WORD - One number removed from a vault chance. We used to leave the vault untouched on a four letter word win, but now, you will have the opportunity to remove one incorrect number from the vault with a four letter word solution.
MISCELLANEOUS GAMES - These games will not be included every week, but will get you an "unchanged" vault guess. We will not remove any incorrect vault numbers for wins in this game, due to the hopeful simplicity of games such as "What's My Line", "5 Minutes to a Fortune" and so on.
THE LIST - Again, we will be giving away a small prize for the PRIZE LIST, and this will not count against you in the prize limit. No vault chances are awarded for the PRIZE LIST. Note the two non-prize lists will not change, as they are designed to get people participating on Tuesday nights.
COUNTDOWN - This will be the first major change. As we will be running a full COUNTDOWN type episode (Letters and Numbers), Countdown will now get you one of the larger prizes in the collection. NOTE THAT THIS WILL COUNT AS THE 1 large prize per player limit per week.
THE FOUR LETTER WORD - One number removed from a vault chance. We used to leave the vault untouched on a four letter word win, but now, you will have the opportunity to remove one incorrect number from the vault with the correct four letter word solution.
THE LIST - Again, we will be giving away a small prize for the PRIZE LIST, and this will not count against you in the prize limit. No vault chances are awarded for the PRIZE LIST. Note the two non-prize lists will not change, as they are designed to get people participating on Tuesday nights.
CLOSED GAMES - These games will have a limited number of players, depending upon the game that is being played, and does count as a LARGE prize per player
COUNTDOWN - The countdown game on Saturday will not be a prize awarding game, however it will be a vault number removal game, and will be based on the number of rounds you win during the finalists win during the MATH portion of the GAME. 1 Vault number will be removed for getting to the finals, and then one number for each of the three math rounds you wee the lowest scoring player in (up to 4 numbers).
OPEN GAME - These games will be for the entire channel, with the exception of the COUNTDOWN winner from the Tuesday episode and the closed game winner from earlier in the evening, due to the 1 major prize per week rule.