Cash Cab

min players
max players
One of the most unique game shows, where average people were put in a game show just by taking a taxi ride, this is one of those games that is so simple that it became a cult-phenomenon of sorts around the world. (and having Ben as the host didn't hurt, he made it work so smoothly - some of the later versions, the hosts weren't as likeable which hurt the show so much).
Well, we've adapted the game of the Cash Cab to make it a competitive multiplayer game (although we are considering a one player version down the road, no pun intended).
In the game show, it was a player or a group of players working as a team to try to earn money while they were taken to their destination.
In our version, we basically load up a large taxi (or if you prefer to think of it as a clown car with everyone squeezed in on top of one another) with up to nine players, and we begin the game with every player trying to get every question correct first.
After a toss-up question is asked, every player in the Cab must answer the question. Get the question wrong, you get a strike.
But if every player in the cab gets the question right, with no misses (copy cat answerers :) ), the last player to give an answer gets a strike! So don't depend on your co-fares to give you the correct answer! Hey, we're burning gas in this cab, and I've got to get you out somehow right?
3 Strikes, and you're booted out of the cab.
In addition, there is also a "Red Light Challenge", that will be given to one player, who will have the opportunity to answer a question with multiple parts.. "Name the 7 Arnold Schwarzeneggar movies he acted in between 2000 and 2010, either credited or uncredited". The Challenged player will have 60 seconds to name as many of the answers as possible. For every correct answer, they will be eligible to give one of their fellow riders another strike.
Note : If they get multiple answers, they must spread the strikes out among all their cab riders. Only after they have spread the strikes out may they apply a second strike to another player if available to them.
The game continues until there is only one rider left, and they are the winner of the game.