
min players
max players
United States
The game is "Say What You See". But what exactly do you see?
It was a game of animated word puzzles, where a simple (and usually common) word puzzle was turned into a graphic image (and some of the graphics weren't too bad for what looked like an 8-bit Apple Graphics machine)
The original US Version of the game first began in 1985, and ran for just under one year (Hey, making all those puzzles took some effort!). Ironically, the British version began only a couple of days after the US version ended and ran for nearly 18 years. (Again, the Brits holding on to a good thing longer than the Americans!).
Both the US and UK original versions had "Herbie" for their mascot (and it was actually quite fitting for the layout of the show to give some of the animations a little personal touch.), and when the UK 2nd edition ran, in which it was no longer simple graphics, but well done comedic videos, they brought an entirely new mascot "Mr. Chips" (I think Herbie just wanted a little sophistication and we now know his full name "Mr. Herbie Chips".
Originally, each mini-puzzle was worth a randomly decided amount of points, and only involved two players, scoring those points for each of the solved-puzzles.
In the later British version, the game style was changed to 3 players, the first two to solve 3 puzzles moved to a head-to-heat competition and then the winner would play the bonus board.
The Bonus Board had the same principle, the only difference being in the original, you simply had to make a straight line across the board in 60 seconds by solving more puzzles. (See how you could tire out just a puzzle maker?), while in the updated version you had to work your way up a pyramid (which worked better, in my opinion, as you could end up solving 6 puzzles connect the edges, and still not have a straight line across the square board)
So to try to make this one of our faster games, we set a couple of items in place. In our version, we decided to go with the better version of allowing for 3 players each trying to get to the semi-finals by solving three minipuzzles first
Although we've left the option in for point scoring, if we are unable to get three players, in which case, it's two players playing for points! (We try to cover for all alternatives!)
Round 1:
The computer will randomly select one square on the board. That square will be selected by the host, and a picture puzzle will appear (No, we cannot do the videos, we simply don't have the time to put together the quality of those we'd like).
Players guess at the picture puzzle until someone gets it right.
After about 2 minutes, if no one gets it, the host will start offering hints. (The reason is, we have a currently limited availability of puzzles, so we try to make sure the 10 selected are the only 10 used)
After the puzzle is solved and revealed, part of the big puzzle will be revealed behind the hidden square. (In fact, we'll reveal the point square at the same time the puzzle is shown in case we're only playing a 2 player game.)
The player who gets the puzzle right will get part of their podium will light up. Light up all three parts of the podium, and you'll move on to round 2.
No guesses at the big puzzle are to be given, at all in Round 1.
Round 1 continues until 2 players have successfully solved 3 mini-puzzles (which means anywhere from 6 to 8 of the mini-puzzles, which determines Round 2!)
Round 2:
Round 2 will be anywhere from 1 to 3 puzzles (It just depends on how tough Round 1 is.
Of the spaces remaining on the board, one will be randomly chosen again, after which the mini-puzzle will be revealed. After the mini-puzzle is revealed, the same principle applies, as the first player to guess it correctly has control.
Now however, the controlling player gets to take one free guess at the main puzzle.
If they miss, the next action depends on if there are any mini-puzzles left.
If there is a mini-puzzle remaining, then there is no second guess for the main puzzle at this time.
If there is no mini-puzzles remaining, then the 2nd player now gets 1 free guess at the puzzle.
After which it is a "fastest correct answer". The player who successfully solves the large puzzle get the win and the prize for "Saying What They See"