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El Legado

El Legado


min players
max players

It's the first South American game show we've ever adapted (or if you prefer the French version ,it's called "Creseus", but I'm not sure we can add a Creseus insult character (But you never know!)).


And fortunately it works very much like the later English "The Code" game in which answers are given before questions as well as includes part of the English game of Wipeout..

We're still working out whether or not we're keeping all five rounds of the game that the French use, or if we're going to pare this down to make it a workable chat-based game.


Note we're still debating the rules to adapt (so these are the current rules of the show as we know them

Players start with three lives

Round 1:  "One or the Other"/"Hidden Answer":  (See "T

Each player is given a question with an answer;   The player must decide if the answer given is correct, or if the second answer yet to be revealed is the correct answer.    An incorrect answer costs them a life.  After each player goes through the first round, a second identical process is played.

If after a second incorrect answer they must 'fight" to keep their "Legacy" intact.

LEGACY fight (which can occur multiple times during a game,). 

They must nominate one opposing player to answer a multiple choice question of varying difficulty. 

IF the challenged player gets it right, they take the last life of the player and his "legacy" ends, otherwise the challenged player is eliminated (note we are considering reverting this to a "life transfer".

Play repeats until one player is eliminated.

All lives are then restored to all remaining players.

ROUND 2:   "Hot Potato" 

Each player will receive three answers to a question, without seeing the question itself.

The player will then decide whether they want to play the question, or pass it to an opponent.    A life is loss based on challenger/solver.

Again, after a player loses two lives another "Legacy challenge" occurs, with the same format of Round 1 (a mutiple choice question).

ROUND 3:  "Electric Shock".   (Similar to Wipeout)

The three remaining players are given 10 answers to one of a group of questions, the list will be revealed before the question is shown, of which one is incorrect.  (Name the 10 largest non-oceanic bodies of water) -  Players continue to select what they believe is a correct question.   If all nine answers are selected then the player who chose the category loses a life.

Again, after a player loses their second life, they're sent to another "Legacy" challenge.

ROUND 4:  "The Semi-Final"- (although in the game it's "semi-final", because round 5 is a bonus finale for the jackpot, which we may include later)

It's a timed series of quick fire multiple choice questions, and each player has 70 seconds on their respective clocks.   Player 1 will have his timer start until he correctly answers a multiple choice question, pausing their timer and at which point player 2's clock will start their 70 count down, until they get a multiple choice question correct.

Play continues until one player's clock hits 00, at which point the final player is the winner of the game.

Round 5:   (If included)  "The Final"

Five multiple choice questions, with five possible answers.   On the first three questions, the player will have two opportunities to correctly choose the right answer.   On the final two questions, they may only pick one answer.   Player must get four to get the smaller prize, all five to get the larger prize.

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