Richard Osman's House of Games

min players
max players
Description: Much like 5 Minutes to a Fortune, these will be small minigames available at random times during play.
On the show 4 "B" celebrities (or "A" depending on who you ask) from the UK compete with one another to solve a series of mini-games over a week, with top scorer over the week getting a "Logo" prize.
Much like 5 Minutes To a Fortune ,This game is mostly a series of Mini-Games and as such we simply list them together (and whether or not they're active or planned)
Rhyme Tyme: Two rhyming phrases, or a phrase and a photo.
Example: Aiming a rifle and pulling the trigger + Head of Russia (Shootin' Putin')
Broken Karaoke: You'll see the year of a song, and the first letter of each word in the lyrics that come up "in time"
Not likely to be Introduced for a while on our system.
What's In a Name: Two questions that can be answered by using the name of one of our regular viewers / participants
Conflicts + Led = Wars Ruled (RedWalrus)
This Round is in Code (To be implemented, HIGH Priority): Simple substitution code. (A=1, b=2)
Z-A: Three blanked out words, but the letters in the words will be revealed in reverse order (from z to A), users have to identify what connects the three words.
Games House Of: Simple trivia question, but the words in the question will be given in alphabetical order, and the answer has to be done the same way.
Client Eastwood Name of the Spaghetti third Westerns?
And Bad, Good, The The The Ugly (don't forget the "and"!)
Elephant in the Room: Players are given a word that cannot be used, and all answers will contain that phrase in it somewhere.
Elephant in the room: Room
What's ridden in a game of Quidditch: bstick (aka, Broomstick)
Roonerspisms: Two phrases that are spoonerisms, and both have to be identified
Example: New Orleans Quarterback, Beer making letters: Drew Brees, Brew dees!
Backwards Round: Much like the Alphabetical Round, the question will be given backwards, and as should the answer.
Opposites Attract: Identify the 'exact' opposite of the items listed to give an answer to fit a category. (We've used this one in 5 minutes to a fortune, so we may pull it from this list)
Correction Centre : A statement with one incorret word is given, it's up to the players to remake the statement with the correct word in its place.
Mouse of Games: One letter in a title will be changed to result in a different title.
The Answer's In the Question - Shown a question with some letters in capitals which are anagramed to produce the answer.
Cine-Nyms: Movie Quotes which the words are replaced by Synonyms:
Take the Lead Jerk, Create Time Period of Mine!
Go ahead punk, make my day!
Highbrow, Lowbrow - Two questions of the same answer, one is harder than the other. Hard question gets 2 points; easy question gets 1 point.
Distinctly Average - Team game, where pairs of players will have to each answer a numerical question, and the closest -average- of the pair gets the point.
Dim Sums - Four options, each of which is answered by a number; but only two of the answers work together to make a mathematical equation correct. (See Also DO THE MATH in "5 Minutes to a Fortune" (which we will probably keep))
Chron-Illogical - Put three statements in the correct chronological order.
You Complete Me
Venn Will I be Famous - Three people, two statements; Only one person will have both statements associated with them; the other two will have one statement associated with them.
Is it Me? - Players will be given a person, and each time a question is asked, the players have to guess if their character is associated with it. Incorrect answers lose a point, correct gain a point, when opponents can identify your person, they score a bonus 5.
The Nice Round - Players are given a question, and each of the rest are told the correct answer, who then give one word they think will give the answer to the question.
The Rich List - Similar to Scategories, each player must give a correct answer to a statement, but any duplicate answers eliminate each other.
Size Matters - Players will be given a category, and they have to identify the longest possible answer to score points. Example: Host of the Winter Olympics:
SALT LAKE CITY - 12 letters, Alburtville - 11, Lake Placid - 10
I'm Terrible at Dating - Identify the specific year of an event. 1 point for closest, 2 for being exact
Answer Smash - Players will be given a category and two objects, one a picture, one a general knowledge question. Players have to merge the two to create a single long answer
Famous Center of Hollywood Squares + English electornic band of 1980
Paul Lyndepeche Mode