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The Code

The Code


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It's a simple process... a  non-repeating three digit combination to open a safe (No, it's not our variation of the Vault subgame).

And to get that combination, all you have to do is tell us which of our combinations of questions are right.. and which are wrong.

This was another one of the UK exports that we'd been wanting to try, but we had only seen the first round of the game decently described to us, so we had to wait til a few YouTube episodes hit the boards.

And believe it or not, this is one of our games that is pretty much IDENTICAL To the game play.   ​



A three-digit combination will be randomly determined by the computer.    To be able to pick numbers you think are IN the combination, you simply have to identify which one of three questions in a round are correct.

First we'll show you the three answers.. and then the three questions.

1)  What is the largest fruit crop on earth?  Grapes

2)  Which US state had a law on the books making it illegal to buy mousetraps without a hunting license?  Oregon

3)  Coprastastaphobia is the fear of what?    Lassos

Only one of those three question/answer combinations are correct.

Pick the wrong question-answer combination and it's no safe numbers, it's game over.

Pick the right one and in round 1, you'll be able to pick one number you want to punch into our combination.   If that number isn't in the combination, we show you three new questions, and you try again.

But once you get a number in the code,  we move to Round 2.

The process is similar, but in this case you'll only get to see two of the questions, but you'll still see all three answers.

1)  What is the largest fruit crop on earth?  Grapes

2)   Oregon

3)   Coprastastaphobia is the fear of what?    Lassos

Got your doubts about 1 and 3?  Maybe you want to pick Oregon as the correct answer.. even though you don't know the question

Much like Round 1, a correct choice gives you another guess at the combination.   Incorrect choice, and again, it's GAME OVER.

If you're lucky enough to find the second number in our three digit combination, it's on to Round 3.   Three questions, but you have to look at each of them individually, and once a "yes/No" choice is locked in , it's locked in. No changing answers after the fact.

Again, you work your way through up to 10 sets of three questions, and if you can find our combination, you win!

And of our three questions:

Coprastastaphobia is actually the fear of constipation

Mousetraps had to be licensed in Califonria

Which meant the correct answer was  the largest fruit crop was Grapes.

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