You Deserve It

min players
max players
United States
Throughout game show history there have always been some players who stated "They're playing for someone they love/know"
I believe the UK topped the chart with "Holding out for a Hero"... and it was a simple 5-question quiz.
But I'll give the US credit for trying, as they had a game of their own where the contestant wasn't playing for themselves, but for someone they knew/wanted to have the money.
And with that they brought you us "You Deserve It", and while not as impactful as "Holding out for a hero", at least it shows there appear to be some philanthropists in the game
The Rules of the Game are as follows
The computer will select a "Who, What, or Where" topic for the board
The player will have a maximum of 16000 points, although officially since one clue has to come off, you can only max out at 15,900.
After selecting the topic, it will position nine very short clues on the board. Behind each clue is a point value (think "Deal Or No Deal"). The clue number is chosen by the player of the game, and the point value of that clue is removed from the bank for that board.
So if you pick the 1st clue that is 2500 points, solving the puzzle is only worth 13,500 (16000- 2500). If you can solve it on that clue, you could win that many points. If you guess incorrectly, you lose all the points for that board.
You can ask for further clues, which will remove more points from the bank (again, all clues are valued randomly by the computer before the game starts).
Currently: A single player game involves 3 boards with the following values/winnings, with a maximum of 47,700 available (unless you really can guess our who/what/why with no cliues)
45,000 - Vault Prize
35,000 - Large Prize
30,000 - Small Prize
25,000 - Standard Vault Shot (1 number off)
20,000 - Wheel Spin
< 20,000 = 1 whammie per 500 points