Originally designed as a game to include the "celebrity answers" game, much like Hollywood Squares and All Star Blitz. But instead of Peter Marshal, it was one of the modern all time greats, in Alex Trebek with the banter with the stars.
We've adapted this game to be played either with or without guest panelists.
Due to the fact that we've made this a multiple choice game show, expect harder or more obscure questions and answers
VERSION 1 (W/ Guest Panelists)
Simiilar to All Star Blitz, this game will involve 2 players and 6 celebrities. Player 1 will choose one of 10 numbered circles, each of which are connected to one or more stars. If a number is connected to multiple non-captured celebrity, the player may choose which celebrity they'd like to answer the question.
In this version, first we will reveal the question, and then the three multiple choice options. The star will then choose the answer they believe is the correct response, and the player either agrees or disagrees with the celebrities answer.
A correct response will allow the player to continue to control the board until they get an incorrect agree/disagree.
Getting all the circles around a celebrity captures the star for the player. Capturing 4 celebrities wins the board. In case of a 3-3 tie, a toss-up question will be asked of the two players, the first correct answer wins the game.
VERSION 2 (No Guest Panelists)
Question will be asked, and the player may either play or pass to their opponent. Whoever controls the question gives a guess without seeing any of the multiple choice options.
After answer is given, the three options will be shown. If the answer is not on the list, control is passed to the other player, who may then choose one of the three choices.
If the answer given is on the list, we check to see if it is the correct answer. If it is correct, that player gets control of the board. If it is incorrect ,the 2nd player than has a 50/50 shot to pick the correct answer. If they are correct control the board, otherwise control remains with the first player.
If all three number surrounding a star are removed from the board, they are considered captured by the player who got the
First player to collect 4 stars wins.. Again, If there is a 3-3 tie, then a single tossup tie breaker is given between the two players.