Trust the Canadians to come up with a game show I like, and I would love to use regularly, but it's a nightmare logistically to create!
Unlike most of our other adaptations, where once the text file of questions are created, we can just drop it in and play , this one requires a ton of graphical uploads and maintenance.
As such, it will only come out on special occasions or show-events.
But as always, a quick description of how our version of this Canadian show works:
First, a mystery vanity plate, or a "Bumper Stumper" will be shown, but all the letters/numbers on the plate will be covered. Bumper-Stumpers may be anywhere from 5 to 9 letters long. Note that the location of the plate will be used as a clue (Where they were best known, where they were born, etc. - so Watch out for the foreign plates!)
Then 3 additional smaller vanity plates will be shown on the screen, completely uncovered (note that the plate state will NOT be a clue on the smaller plates)
A clue or a description of a person or a profession will then be given. Of the vanity plates shown, one plate will fit that clue. One member of the team must identify _which_ plate it is.
If they give the correct choice, their partner must then read the plate off correctly in English words.
If either team member is incorrect, control passes over to the other team, who must then identify both the plate and the reading.
If both teams are incorrect, then the correct answer is given and the plate thrown out.
If one team gets both parts of the problem correct, one random letter in the vanity plate will then be revealed. The winning team members then get one guess each to try to identify the primary vanity plate.
If neither player gets it, we go back to the vanity plates, reveal the next four plates, and the process repeats
First team to get 3 of 5 primary vanity plates then goes to the head-to-head finals
The head to head will be similar to our scrabble primary game, where you will see 5 different license plates, again, all the letters being covered. One by one, random letters on one of the 5 plates will be uncovered (Plate and letter will be chosen randomly by the computer).
First player to identify the owner of 3 of the 5 plates will win the game.
NOTE: No bonus game has yet been created for this, so this is a fixed Vault number.
One for winning the finals, and 1 for each first round plate they specifically identify
And our Example?
PEPSI FIRE ( PPSI / FYRE ), would be the plate belonging to Michael Jackson.