1969-1979 Music
1998-2002 Music
Hollywood Squares
Take nine stars, two contestants, and a host who can keep things moving, and a game of tic-tac-toe and what do you have?
You have the Match Game taken to the next level with Hollywood Squares.
The ultimate in celebrity-contestant interaction, where stars were allowed to cut loose, a lot of sexual innuendo, and just a whole lot of fun.
The rules of the game were simple, celebrities answered the trivia questions, the contestants had to guess whether or not they were correct, and in the process, you tried to win a game of tic-tac-toe.
Whether it was the American version of "Hollywood Squares" or the British/Australian versions of "Celebrity Squares", it was a formula that, if you had the right celebrities, worked to near flawlessness. And is still working in many countries even today!
Besides what other show could make Gilbert Godfried be tolerable to watch for half an hour?
The basic format doesn't have the celebrities, but rather two contestants facing off answering questions to gain an "X" or "O" in a square. (It's a little lackluster, but it works)
If we have the full crowd, then we have 9 of the viewers of our show as the stars, two players, and sometimes, the answers are just as wacky.
But the format and play remains the same (how can you change the rules for tic-tac-toe?)