Doesn't matter what anyone says.. this was the game show we SO most wanted to implement.
If anyone were to ask me in 30 or 40 years, the greatest game show to come out of the UK, it wont' be Your Lucky Fortune, 15-to-1, Bob's Full House, it wont' even be the Chase or Only Connect (and you don't know how hard it is to put that last game on here)
It'll be the game of POINTLESS.
It's the game where not only do you have to know the right answers, but you're hoping as few other peole know it as possible.
This is one of those few games that can be played in singles or in teams.
Seven Categories will be supplied on the board, each team/player will then have to choose one category. Seven possible questions will appear on the screen. The player in control chooses one of those seven that the know, and they think the fewest people in the real world knew.
"The Survey says".. just backwards.
Player gets the question right, they get the point value of the percentage of other people that got the question right and the lower the better!
Get it wrong, though, and you score the max 100 points. And with only two rounds, that's a tough hole to climb out of.
The game is played elimination style based on lowest scores (Hey it's Golf of Quiz Shows!), until we're down to one team, who then go head to head to eliminate the last contestants or one player.