The original game was one of the classics of all time. Dick Clark, and 2 celebrities took you through a game of words and defintions and descriptions.
(And EVERYONE remembers the all-time classic game show moment of William Shatner having a meltdown on air after costing a contestant $100,000, right?)
There were 29 different varieties of Pyramid from around the world, including a number of junior versions for kids, which makes Pyamid one of the all time CLASSICS of TV games.
But whether it was the UK, US, or Australian versions, whether it was $10,000, $25,000, or $100,000, and whether it was Dick Clark, Jon Davison, Donny Osmond, or any of the other great hosts, The Pyramid will always be one of the all time greats!
Well, as you know it's pretty hard to do a word game between chatters in a text conversation, without giving away all the answers. So we did the next best thing we could come up with.
We took the Pyramid game, combined it with a little bit of the UK's "The Link" and "Only Connect" and put it together to come up with our own version of Pyramid.
Six items, One Clue: One Topic.
As you climb the pyramid, you'll see more words that relate to the mystery topic of the pyramid. The fewer words you can identify the topic, the more points you score in the game.
So we couldn't work with the rules of the game, but we hope we still got the spirit of the game to your liking!