Wipeout is one of those game shows we always thought was a bit under-rated. Whether you were watching the UK version or the US version, the premise was surprisingly simple.
You'd see all the actual answers, you just had to pick them out from a list.
In the original game, In round 1, there would be 16 answers revealed on a board, 11 were actual answers, 5 were incorrect answers to the question. You could keep picking answers you knew were correct, until you were no longer certain and passed it to the next player, or until you chose an incorrect answer.
However, if you picked an incorrect answer you lost _all_ the money you had earned until that point even after control was passed back to you..
So you could in effect have two players who ended up with no dollars after round 1, which always seemed a little extreme to me..
So you could in effect have two players who ended up with no dollars after round 1, which always seemed a little extreme to me.
So in our round 1, you alternate play through round 1. Each player makes a choice, and if they get a correct answer, they score the points behind the answer.
So we adapted round 1 a bit...
In our version, round 1 consists of 3 boards. If you're playing with only 3 players, just carry the scores over between boards.
If you're playing 6 players, 3 players play board 1, 3 players play board 2. THe two highest players on each board move on, and take the highest score of the remaining 4 players, to make your final 3.
Scoring: Correct answers score points. Wrong answers get you a block. If you get two blocks, you are locked out of the current board and cannot add any more points to your score. Scores reset on the beginning of board 3 for the 6 player version.
The top two scorers after board 3 move on.
Round 2:
The original version: 12 answers, with 8 correct, 4 wrong.
OUr version 14 answers, with 8 correct, 6 wrong.
The two players will then try to bid how many answers they know, with bids increasing until one player 'calls" . At which point, the winning bidder has to get all the correct answers up to their bid total without getting any wrong.
Round 3 (Bonus game):
Much like the original version, we show you a question, wtih 6 correct and 6 incorrect answers. In the original game, you had 60 seconds to pick all 6 correct ones. In our version, you have "four" chances to get all six correct answers.
If you get all 6 correct on your first two guesses, you get 4 numbers off the vault.
If you get all 6 on your third guess, you get 3 numbers off the vault.
If you get all 6 on your fourth guess, you get 2 numbers off the vault.
If you don't get all 6, you still get 1 number off the vault.